Where to find Jamey's articles

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All of Scott Lucas's great Rangers minor league coverage will stay here on the Newberg Report website (and, of course, via the mailing list), but mine continues to live at The Athletic (here's my author page if you want to see examples of what I've written lately: https://theathletic.com/author/jamey-newberg/).

And very frequently, clicking a story (mine or anyone else's) will give you, after the first few paragraphs, a discount to subscribe.

Hope you'll consider hopping on board if you haven't already.  Either way, thanks for your continued support of Scott's and my work. 




Jamey Newberg

Dallas attorney Jamey Newberg has been commenting on Rangers from the big club down through the entire farm system since 1998.

Scott Lucas

Scott Lucas was born in Arlington, Texas, to Richard and Becky Lucas. He lived mostly in Arlington before moving to Austin, where he graduated from The University of Texas. Scott works for Austin Valuation Consultants, Ltd., and has published several boring articles about real estate appraisal and environmental contamination. He makes a swell margarita and refuses to run longer than ten kilometres.

Eleanor Czajka

Eleanor grew up watching the AAA Mudhens in Toledo, Ohio. A loyal Ranger fan since 1979, she works "behind the scenes" at the Newberg Report.

Texas Rangers / MLB
> Gallo, Mazara open to long-term deals
> Rangers' rookie pitchers get Driveline treatment
> DeShields enters camp with eyes on CF job
> Rangers mulling extensions for young core
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